Wednesday, November 17, 2004


7 Wonders Of the wOrlD

frM...Izzah's ilog-a Chowki

Seven Wonders of the World
A group of students was asked to list what they thought were the present Seven Wonders of the World. Though there was some disagreement, the following got the most votes:- 1. Egypt's Great Pyramids. 2. Taj Mahal. 3. Grand Canyon. 4. Panama Canal. 5. Empire State Building. 6. St. Peter's Basilica. 7. China's Great Wall. While gathering the votes, the teacher noted that one quiet student hadn't turned in her paper yet. So she asked the girl if she was having trouble with her list. The girl replied, "Yes, a little. I couldn't quite make up my mind because there were so many.” The teacher said, "Well, tell us what you have, and maybe we can help.” The girl hesitated, then read, "I think the Seven Wonders of the World are:- 1. To touch. 2. To taste. 3. To see. 4. To hear. She hesitated a little, and then added:- 5. To feel. 6. To laugh. 7. And to love. The room was so full of silence you could have heard a pin drop. Those things we overlook as simple and "ordinary" are truly wondrous. A gentle reminder that the most precious things are before you: your family, your faith, your love, your good health and your friends.

Collé by Zee'Ay at 11:49 AM





When was the last time you did something for the first time? Your answer (most probably): I don’t remember. I heard this question in an ad some time back and this very simple question got me thinking. Although it was supposed to be a tacky line for the ad, it turned out to be a very difficult question for others whom I asked and myself. None of us could remember when was the last time we did something we liked doing, let alone, doing the first time. Think about it. When was the last time you did something you like doing? When was the last time you got together with friends to watch a movie, or share gossip over a cup of tea? When was the last time you spent an entire day with your grandparents like you used to in younger days? When was the last time you sat down and poured over all those pictures of yesteryears and thought about the good old days? When was the last time you read a good book that made a difference in your life? When was the last time you went out for a long drive and saw the sunset at the beach? When was the last time you danced in the rain? It certainly is a scary question but more than that, it makes you think. Think about your daily routine and you will realize what a mess your life is. How devoid it is of excitement, pleasure, adventure and passion. We tend to associate these words with special moments only. In our everyday lives, these feelings don’t seem to play any part at all. And most of you would think: how can they? How can you feel excited, passionate, adventurous or pleasant every single day? The small things that make our everyday more meaningful for others and ourselves are not hard to come by. Feeling excited everyday requires a positive attitude and love for what one is doing. I love going to my college and there is a certain feeling of excitement towards what the day holds for me. There are days when the mere thought of going to the school kills all feelings, but then, I’m human too!! Excitement can come when you listen to your favorite song. It can come when you think of doing something different or new. You can feel excited about baking a cake, or learning how to drive, or getting new clothes made. You can feel pleasure when you buy a flower from a roadside kid and he smiles at you. Pleasure can be when someone appreciates your effort at something or when ur mom is happy n u say“I love you mom!” . And when you feel passionate about your life, you can not only make your life exciting and maybe a little adventurous, but also face the challenges that come your way. And too much passion can lead you slightly astray. A perfect example being that of myself straying away from the initial question! But then, maybe all this does kind of answer my question. If we have a positive attitude towards life and are willing to do something constructive, we would automatically start doing new things more frequently. I believe there are two things that are needed to do something new: initiative and a passion for living. Doing something new is not just going to some foreign country and seeing the sights and sounds and riding on a roller coaster, or bungee jumping or driving a Ferrari. Doing something new can start right at home. Redecorate your room. Now that’s doing something new and it isn’t all that difficult. Treat yourself to that new dress you badly wanted. Or better still, the most new thing that you can do is doing something for others. Get your mom that antique vase she wanted or get that tool kit your Dad has been talking about since ages. And gradually, work towards doing things that are more new and more meaningful. Spend a day at SOS and bring smiles on the faces of many orphans. Now that’s doing something that is new. And make sure you make a habit of it! Saying and writing such things might be easy but when it comes to practical life, nothing seems to materialize. Somehow, all our plans and efforts seem to fizzle out as we get caught up in the race to be successful and rich. And while running this race we seem to forget what our initial goal was. And when we do realize this, it’s too late to turn back and start anew. But it’s not about changing your life and packing up all your stuff to go and live with the monkeys like Anthony Hopkins did in Instinct. It’s about doing something you always wanted to do but never got a chance. It’s about doing something new, something that could put that zeal back into your life. Something that could make you realize that you have a purpose in life. What with the war in Iraq and the problems that are present in our own country, life seems depressing. Only through our individual effort to improve our own lives and of a few others around us will we be able to make everyday (almost!) a happy and fulfilled day. So go ahead and try something new. Something new that makes you happy and brings smiles on the faces of others too. And then, you can answer this question again and again and again… “When was the last time you did something for the first time?” Get started!

Collé by Zee'Ay at 11:06 AM



Monday, November 15, 2004


Liv'in Liv'in thE sHadowz~

Disappointments haunt me,

they question and they taunt me,
move if you dare,
from the depths of self-pity,
rise above the rest,
take on the risks,
take your claim on your life's meaning
break out from the cages,

that ensnare your inner being,
breakaway from the clutches,
that bring you down,
take what is yours and have no regrets,
your life is yours to lead, yours to live,
yours to steer, yours to hold dear,
life is a game if you dare play,

admit no defeat, never give in,
hang on, don't let go,
from the depths of the shadows,
creeping from within,
the voice of your conscience scream for you to win,
don't give up, just play tough,
never give iN
Livi'iN Livi'iN dE Shadows


Collé by Zee'Ay at 3:48 AM





okay i think U need som infO of mE's colors.

If iTs:-
:dangerous,things r bad,mE'z mad.
GreeN:neutral,kinda fresh,cool.
YelloW:yellow naughty fellow: HAPPY ,it mean mE's HAppaY,bright-tube light.
PinK:shy shy SWEET, happy dappy.
BlacK:ME's COLOR!-simply luv iT!
GraY:HeavY clouDs,Or bzY,worked load,medicine is goin baD!

Collé by Zee'Ay at 3:27 AM





activity:forwarding back.....days event!
mOOd: bit better

so: well 2day was eid(my fav occa)simply luv it.
pluS eme beinh happy as i went for all de fast!...isn't it gr8?
wake up early,
get ready all set,looked cute,
had to go for prayers,
meet ppl -family, frens,acquaintances,som boring aunties-eid,
ahaN!:get eidy$$$$$
had lunch wid family n frens,
went up som places ,
gt gifts,
gave presentsz,
bacK home-helped mom,
had a party at my place,
gt tired,
chnged back,
chit chat wid cusins,
went out for drive,
came back late,
never slept -as to call my frens,ahhhh!,
day enD!
Now:wasting timE....can't u c?
Sleep:still nowhr arunD!

Collé by Zee'Ay at 3:16 AM




Oh Hey!...waittttt



its been two days i havnt written n e thing?
well ok lemme C wht can i dO!


Collé by Zee'Ay at 3:15 AM




SicK sicK sicK!!!


daY:was good,night is sucking!
mad at: my frenz(not Xactly)
sicK oF: lines
timE: night
sLeep:alll gonE

Darn!sucking at nigh....its 3:11am in de morning.
didnt go to sleep to call up my frens out of country...(occasion:Eid)
but the lines r bzy,or it snot connecting, or one is sleeping!
n now me hell sick of all this as sleep is nowhr arund.
im sick sick sick!
mE:sign oFF

Collé by Zee'Ay at 3:01 AM



Friday, November 12, 2004



DarKroom Posted by Hello

From childhood's hour I have not been
As others were; I have not seen
As others saw; I could not bring
My passions from a common spring.
From the same source I have not taken
My sorrow; I could not awaken
My heart to joy at the same tone;
And all I loved, I loved alone.
Then- in my childhood, in the dawn
Of a most stormy life- was drawn
From every depth of good and ill
The mystery which binds me still:
From the torrent, or the fountain,
From the red cliff of the mountain,
From the sun that round me rolled
In its autumn tint of gold,From the lightning in the sky
As it passed me flying by,
From the thunder and the storm,
And the cloud that took the form
(When the rest of Heaven was blue)
Of a demon in my view

by Edgar Allan Poe

*i never know whn i gt too attached to this piece of feelings,i never know whn i started getting pleasure from this misty mild healing,i never know why it soothes me,calm mE whn im nOt alonG wid the world itself....all i know, my blog won't be n e thing,w/o it,which i gathered frm a common spring*

Collé by Zee'Ay at 11:23 PM





*DnT feel right.dnt feel wrongtrying hard,but cudnt sort out alone*
It always happens , most of the time...bad!whts up wid mE 2day?since morning i'm asking agn n agn.this gushy feeling making me terrible.oh plus the day itself.i wOke up wid this huge dizzineSs,just let 'em go..may b sleepying late at night's reactioN.kept my fast- chk,prayed-chk,try to sort it out wid Allah-chk...but no luck so far.shrugged em off-chk.then whr things gO bad?gt into argument wid friend-unh-huh!,not satisfied wid 2days test-unh-huh!,lefT things undone-unh-huh!,skip prayers-unh-huh!,disturbing nap-unh-huh!day went bad-yeah!....wasn't good wid frens-yeah!ignore one-yeah!ramdaan r running off-yeah! will going to take whole night!better b off for only hope..."aye merey Allah mein ayi!"2day is 27th of Ramadn,i hope i can make things work the enD...things went bad-yes!but chances to repent-yes!then wht im doin here...ummmbetter get oFf U!...yes!

Collé by Zee'Ay at 11:23 PM





ibloG?...i always liked to keep a journal an account of things happening around mE or even to bind up my thouths to one thing. Unfortunately never ev gt n e chance. then somehow com across blogger n dang! i thought thts a thing to give a try...well sometimes back i myslf never had n e idea abt it, like wht Xcatly it is?..i treid to study or u better say sneek peek frm other blogs n come up my here i m all ready to put up my very own blogs...n to my fren swho hav no idea wht a blog is..i say..
----ibloG >journal>RandOm thoughts n happening>lifE>mE----
i hope tht'll work 4 u...n e ways my first blog crap intro is going to much ,,,i kno wa full stop is required!so there it is .

Collé by Zee'Ay at 11:22 PM





thnK god itZ all set messed up my whole mind!
no its annoying to re-post ev thing agn...lets c wht i want this time...

Collé by Zee'Ay at 11:20 PM




Hey itz mE

cHking chking does it workS!

Collé by Zee'Ay at 11:13 PM



Wlack & Bhite


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